The Infinite Possibilities Conference (IPC), a program of Building Diversity in Science (BDIS), is a national conference that is designed to promote, educate, encourage and support minority women underrepresented in mathematics and statistics. Participants represent women at all stages of the pipeline, from high school, college, and graduate students; to postdocs and early career faculty; to senior researchers from academia, industry, and government.
Participant Experiences
- “It really gave me more push and motivation to finish my degree. I was surrounded by women who were great mentors and inspiration for me.” — Graduate student
- “It really helped in planning how to get things done and set priorities. It also helped me not to feel so alone.” — Graduate student
- “It was powerful to be surrounded by women of color in advanced math/science field—renewed my spirit and gave me hope :)” — Graduate student
- “It motivated me to keep on studying a PhD or MD regardless of any circumstances in life, such as getting married, raising kids, etc.” — Graduate student
- “I saw many great mathematicians who made it, and I felt really encouraged.”
— Graduate student - “It gave me the confidence to know that I could successfully complete graduate degrees in mathematics.” — College student
- “Attending IPC opened new avenues in mathematics for me. IPC also helped me become more comfortable as a mathematician” — College student
- “I got to see influential women in the mathematical sciences who looked like me but also that had gone through struggle and overcome similar obstacles like myself in order to pursue education.” – College student
- “I was able to connect with other women of color who are in mathematics field and learn how they navigated the academia world.” —College student
- “Attending IPC influenced me to apply and attend graduate school.” — College student
Conference Photos

Past Events
April 14, 2018
April 15, 2018
March 1, 2015
March 3, 2015
March 18, 2010
March 18, 2010