In this talk I will outline the impact that parasitic sea lice have on the ecology of pacific salmon and the role that parasite spill over and spill back with aquaculture has taken in modifying the ecology of pacific salmon. These modifications are far reaching, and include changes in salmon returns, establishment of nonlinear population thresholds such as Allee effects, and shifts in predator prey dynamics. My talk will involve a mixture of modelling and data, based on over a decade of intensive field work.
Supplementary Materials
- 00:00
- Ecological dynamics of a salmon parasite
- 01:18
- Domestic animals: Novel reservoirs
- 02:26
- Understanding disease emergence
- 02:45
- Fish population structure and transmission
- 03:59
- Salmon farms, 2000
- 04:19
- Photo: Alexandra Morton
- 04:47
- Historical Context
- 06:01
- Outline (1)
- 06:44
- Outline (2)
- 06:54
- Outline (3)
- 07:07
- Outline (4)
- 07:18
- Outline (5)
- 08:21
- Outline (6)
- 09:32
- Salmon farms
- 09:46
- Photo: Marttin Krkosek
- 09:51
- Outline (7)
- 10:02
- Lice on wild and farmed fish
- 10:45
- Outline (8)
- 10:50
- Fieldwork – 2003
- 11:22
- Data - First Glance
- 12:34
- Results
- 13:28
- Origins of lice
- 14:02
- Outline (9)
- 14:16
- Mortality Experiments "Camp Sea Lice"
- 14:28
- Mortality Experiments - Multiple farms
- 15:26
- Predictions for spatial survival
- 16:51
- Pink Salmon
- 17:53
- Chum Salmon
- 18:02
- Comic about Fish Farming
- 18:11
- Outline (10)
- 18:31
- Testing population level impacts
- 18:33
- Testing population level impacts (2)
- 18:43
- Testing for Population Impacts - Pink Salmon
- 19:46
- Testing for Population Impacts - Pink Salmon (2)
- 20:30
- Results - Pink Salmon
- 21:49
- Pathogenicity and mortality - Pink Salmon
- 21:53
- Testing for Population Impacts - Chum Salmon
- 23:23
- Outline (11)
- 23:24
- Predator mediated mortality?
- 23:31
- Lice alter behaviour
- 24:07
- Lice alter predation risk
- 24:35
- Parasite mediated predation
- 25:22
- Do predators increase mortality or provide an ecosystem service?
- 26:08
- Predator preference dynamics
- 26:38
- Predator preference dynamics (2)
- 26:48
- Predator preference dynamics (3)
- 27:23
- Conclusion
- 28:02
- Role of science in policy