
Positivity of algebraic cycles and convexity of combinatorial geometries

December 3, 2012
  • algebraic combinatorics
  • commutative algebra
  • Stanley-Reisner rings
  • representable matroid
  • characteristic polynomials
  • representable cycles
  • algebraic cycles
  • Milnor number
  • Rota's conjecture
  • combinatorial geometry
  • 05-XX
  • 05EXX
  • 05E15
  • 05E40
  • 14C25
  • 14Cxx
  • 05B35
  • 51D20
  • 51D05
Rota's conjecture predicts that the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of a matroid form a log-concave sequence. I will outline a proof for representable matroids and explain its relation to a theory of characteristic classes of algebraic varieties. The conjecture in the general case (for possibly nonrepresentable matroids) leads to several intriguing questions on higher codimension algebraic cycles in toric varieties.
Supplementary Materials