
Mathematical Models of Folded and Unfolded Protein Ensembles

January 16, 2008
  • Proteins
  • 92D20
This talk (and a related poster) describes Lie-group-theoretic techniques that can be applied in the analysis and modeling of protein conformations. Three topics are covered: (1) Conformational transitions between two known end states; (2) proper normalization of helix-helix crossing angle data in the PDB; (3) models of the conformational entropy of the ensemble of unfolded polypeptide conformations. Using the concept of convolution on the group of rigid-body motions, the probability density of position and orientation of the distal end of a polypeptide chain is obtained by convolving the distributions for shorter segments that make up the chain. This methodology can also be used in the analysis of loop entropy in folded proteins as well as the ensemble of unfolded conformations.