
The INGenIOus Project

April 20, 2015
  • Statistics
The need for more students to enter the workforce well equipped with mathematics and statistics skills has been acknowledged in many recent reports. Addressing this need will require action by all stakeholders involved or interested in students' preparation for present and future workforce demands. The INGenIOuS project (the complicated acronym stands for Investing in the Next Generation through Innovative and Outstanding Strategies) is a collaboration among mathematics and statistics professional societies and the National Science Foundation. Beginning in summer 2012, representatives of the American Mathematical Society, the American Statistical Association, the Mathematical Association of America, and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematicians populated a committee to advise the NSF on key workforce development issues. The project culminated in a July 2013 workshop devoted to identifying and envisioning programs and strategies for increasing the flow of mathematical sciences students into the workforce pipeline. The talk will summarize six workforce-related "themes" of interest identified by these societies, and six related "action threads" identified by participants as key areas of effort toward improving workforce development in mathematics and statistics.