
Panel: The Negotiation Process

March 27, 2015
  • Matrices
  • 05B20
What is negotiable? When do I negotiate? With whom do I negotiate? How do I negotiate? In this session we will share strategies and perspectives on negotiating for success in academia. Questions from the audience are encouraged. Ulrica Wilson earned a PhD in mathematics from Emory University. Her research interests are in noncommutative rings and generalizations in nonnegative matrices. She is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Morehouse College and is one of two co-directors for the EDGE Program—a comprehensive mentoring program for women pursuing careers in the mathematical sciences. In 2013 she became the first Associate Director for Diversity and Outreach at the Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics(ICERM) at Brown University. ICERM hosts programs and workshops that expand the use of computational and experimental methods in mathematics.