
Hot Topics: Recent Progress in Deterministic and Stochastic Fluid-Structure Interaction: "On Self-Propulsion by Oscillations in a Viscous Liquid"

December 4, 2023
  • Deterministic fluid-structure interaction
  • stochastic fluid-structure interaction
  • poroelasticity
  • numerical methods
  • fluid dynamics
Let $\mathscr B$ be a body moving in an otherwise quiescent Navier-Stokes liquid, $\mathscr L$, that fills the entire space outside $\mathscr B$. We will consider the case where $\mathscr B$ is prevented from performing rigid rotations around its center of mass $G$, a condition that can be realized by applying a suitable torque on $\mathscr B$. \par Denote by $\Omega=\Omega(t)$, $t\in\mathbb R$, a one-parameter family of bounded, sufficiently smooth domains of $\mathbb R^3$, each one representing the configuration of $\mathscr B$ at time $t$ with respect to an inertial frame. We assume that there are no external forces acting on the coupled system $\mathscr S:=\mathscr B\cup\mathscr L$ and that the only driving mechanism is a {\em prescribed} change in shape of $\Omega$ with time, in a given precise way. \par The self-propulsion problem that we would like to address can be thus qualitatively formulated as follows. Suppose that $\mathscr B$ changes its shape in a given time-periodic fashion, so that, for some $T>0$ and all $t\in \real$, $\Omega(t+T)=\Omega(t)$. Then, find sufficient conditions on the map $t\mapsto \Omega(t)$ securing that $\mathscr B$ self-propels, namely, the center of mass $G$ covers any given finite distance in a finite time.