
Thom Faulkner - Quantum Error Correcting for Gravity in the large-N limit - IPAM at UCLA

November 28, 2023
Recorded 28 November 2023. Thom Faulkner of the University of Illinois presents "Quantum Error Correcting for Gravity in the large-N limit" at IPAM's Topology, Quantum Error Correction and Quantum Gravity Workshop. Abstract: I will introduce a new class of quantum error correcting codes that can be used to describe the large-N limit of a sequence of quantum theories. The main interest is in studying the large-N limit of quantum field theories with a gravitational dual, where expected features of the gravitational theory emerge from the quantum error correcting code. I will prove various asymptotic versions of well known operator algebra error correcting results, where arbitrary hyperfinite von Neumann algebras can live on the code. This includes an asymptotic information disturbance tradeoff theorem as well as asymptotic constraints on information theoretic quantities such as relative entropy and mutual information. Learn more online at: