
Multiple timescale respiratory dynamics and effect of neuromodulation

September 21, 2023
Respiration is an involuntary process in all living beings required for our survival. The preBötzinger complex (preBötC) in the mammalian brainstem is a neuronal network that drives inspiratory rhythmogenesis, whose activity is constantly modulated by neuromodulators in response to changes in the environment. In this talk, we will discuss chanllenges involved in the analysis of bursting dynamics in preBötC neurons and how these dynamics change during prenatal development. We will also combine insights from in vitro recordings and dynamical systems modeling to investigate the effect of norepinephrine (NE), an excitatory neuromodulator, on respiratory dynamics. Our investigation employs bifurcation analysis to reveal the mechanisms by which NE differentially modulates different types of preBötC bursting neurons.