Learning to Predict using Network of Spiking Neurons
June 8, 2023
The emergence of computing technologies based on the brain is
offering innovative energy-efficient information processing methods.
Spiking Neural Networks, regarded as the third wave of Artificial
Intelligence, are based on the learning principles in the brain, making
them a biologically plausible model of neural processing. Spike-Time-
Dependent Plasticity (STDP) is an efficient continual learning model of
synaptic plasticity based on the same principles that underlie synaptic
plasticity in the brain. We present our work on a heterogeneous
recurrent spiking neural network which consists of heterogeneous
neurons with varying firing/relaxation dynamics. The model learns
using a heterogeneous STDP model with varying learning dynamics for
each synapse. The heterogeneity in neuronal and synaptic dynamics
reduces the spiking activity of a Recurrent Spiking Neural Network
while improving prediction performance, enabling spike-efficient