
Locally dissipative solutions of the Euler equations

April 23, 2021
  • Euler equations
  • dissipative solutions
  • 76D03
The Onsager conjecture, recently solved by Phil Isett, states that, below a certain threshold regularity, Hoelder continuous solutions of the Euler equations might dissipate the kinetic energy. The original work of Onsager was motivated by the phenomenon of anomalous dissipation and a rigorous mathematical justification of the latter should show that the energy dissipation in the Navier-Stokes equations is, in a suitable statistical sense, independent of the viscosity. In particular it makes much more sense to look for solutions of the Euler equations which, besides dissipating the {\em total} kinetic energy, satisfy as well a suitable form of local energy inequality. Such solutions were first shown to exist by Laszlo Szekelyhidi Jr. and myself. In this talk I will review the methods used so far to approach their existence and the most recent results by Isett and by Hyunju Kwon and myself.