
Quasi-local mass in general relativity

September 12, 2013
  • mathematical relativity
  • PDE and relativity
  • differential geometry
  • Lorentzian geometry
  • Lorentzian manifold
  • Einstein equations
  • locality
  • Hawking mass
  • invariant mass conjecture
  • 83-XX
  • 83CXX
  • 83C05
  • 83C10
  • 83C20
  • 83C75
  • 35Qxx
  • 35Q75
  • 35Q76
One of the greatest accomplishments of the theory of general relativity in the past century is the proof of the positive mass/energy theorem for asymptotically flat space-times. However, the concept of mass/energy remains a challenging problem because of the lack of a quasi-local description. Most observable physical models are finitely extended spatial regions and measurement of mass/energy on such a region is essential in many fundamental issues. In my talks, I shall first survey several notions of quasi-local mass including the Hawking mass, the Bartnik mass, the Brown-York mass, and their applications. At the end, I shall describe a new proposal of quasi-local mass/energy and discuss its application in the invariant mass conjecture of general relativity.
Supplementary Materials