Connecting models to data for animal movement models in ecology
November 18, 2016
Animal movement patterns have long fascinated mathematicians and ecologists alike. One type of primarily mathematical investigation focuses on pattern formation. How do individual behavioural decision rules translate into macroscale patterns of space use? Here mechanistic models, using random walks, stochastic processes and partial differential equations have connected pattern to process. Another type of primarily ecological investigation correlates space use patterns to underlying environmental features. Here statistical models, based on resource selection have connected patterns to environmental features. In this talk I will build a bridge between mechanism and resource selection using the concept of coupled step selection functions. The approach is based on a mechanistic underpinning for the movement process, but is also amenable to easy statistical inference regarding space use. I will demonstrate how each type of model can be connected to detailed movement data to give new insight about animal behaviour. Applications will be made to a spectrum of different animals ranging from Amazonian birds to caribou to coyotes.