
An Ax-Schanuel theorem for the modular curve and the j-function

May 14, 2014
  • differential field
  • differential Galois theory
  • Zilber-Pink conjecture
  • elliptic curves
  • Shimura variety
  • j-function
  • 12Hxx
  • 12H05
  • 12H20
  • 11Jxx
  • 11J81
  • 11J89
  • 11J95
  • 11-xx
The classical Ax-Schanuel theorem states that, in a differential field, any algebraic relations involving the exponential function must arise in a 'trivial' manner. It turns out that one can formulate natural analogues of this theorem in the context of uniformization maps arising from Shimura varieties, the simplest case of which is the j-function. Besides their inherent appeal, such analogues have applications to the Zilber-Pink conjecture in number theory; a far reaching generalization of Andre-Oort. We will explain these analogues and sketch a proof in the case of the j-function. This is joint work with J.Pila.