
p-adic periods via perfectoid spaces

March 31, 2017
  • Galois theory
  • Galois orbits
  • periods
  • cohomology comparison theorems
  • p-adic cohomology
  • perfectoid spaces
  • crystalline comparison theorem
  • crystalline cohomology
  • motives
  • Shimura varieties
  • p-adic geometry
  • algebraic geometry
  • 11R34
  • 11R32
  • 11Rxx
  • 11-xx
  • 14-xx
  • 14Cxx
  • 14C30
  • 11F85
  • 11F80
  • 14F30
  • 14F43
  • 14F20
  • 14Fxx
Given the interpretation of classical periods as matrix coefficients arising in the comparison between singular and de Rham cohomology of complex algebraic varieties, it is natural to view as a p-adic analogue the comparison between etale, crystalline, and de Rham cohomology of algebraic varieties. We describe some new results and perspectives on p-adic comparison isomorphisms emerging from recent developments in the theory of perfectoid spaces. These include a new direct cohomological realization of the crystalline comparison isomorphism (by Bhatt-Morrow-Scholze), and the discovery of "abstract instances" of comparison isomorphisms corresponding to as-yet-unknown families of motives over Shimura varieties (by Liu-Zhu).
Supplementary Materials