
Growth of groups

August 19, 2016
  • geometric group theory
  • word problem
  • Dehn function
  • length function
  • Cannon's theorem
  • CAT(0) group
  • finitely generated groups
  • hyperbolic group
  • 20F65
  • 20F67
  • 20Fxx
  • 20-xx
  • 20E07
  • 20E15
  • 20F10
Growth functions of groups have been studied intensively in geometric group theory. Regarded up to affine rescaling, they give a group invariant called the growth rate, and there are long-standing questions about possible growth rates for finitely generated groups. Another stream of questions asks whether the growth values satisfy a recursion, a property which is called rational growth and depends on the choice of generators. I will survey the area and discuss the classic proofs that hyperbolic groups and virtually abelian groups have rational growth in any generators.
Supplementary Materials