Ricker models and complexity in ecology
Supplementary Materials
- 00:03
- Ricker models and complexity in ecology
- 00:40
- Mechanistic stochastic Ricker models
- 01:07
- Growth( birth,surv) in a patch
- 03:17
- Growth( birth,surv) in a patch Continued
- 03:35
- Stochastic Ricker models
- 05:40
- Experiment
- 06:27
- Experimental data
- 07:44
- What happens outside the laboratory
- 08:11
- What happens outside the laboratory continued
- 08:33
- Sometimes the pattern is clear, other times not
- 08:53
- Sometimes the pattern is clear, other times not. Why?
- 09:00
- Complexity of ecological systems leads to mathematical challenges