Within-host to population-level modeling of mycoplasmal conjunctivitis in wild birds
April 8, 2014
The pathogenic bacterium Mycoplasma gallisepticum jumped from poultry into North American House Finch populations during the early 1990s, and has since proven to be an accessible system in which to study the many faces of emerging infectious diseases in vertebrates. In this talk I'll begin by introducing the system, then I'll discuss some sources of individual-level variation in this system (and likely many others) including some results obtained by "scaling up" from the individual level. Then, I'll discuss the use of models to address questions at the population level including evolutionary dynamics and the importance of a novel virulence trade-off present in this system which is likely a factor driving evolutionary dynamics of other parasites with mobile host species.
Supplementary Materials
- 00:06
- Within-host to population-level modeling of mycoplasmal conjunctivitis in wild birds.
- 00:34
- Acknowledgments
- 00:59
- Background
- 02:08
- Spatial Spread (Project Feederwatch)
- 02:22
- Symptoms Data
- 03:02
- Observed Virulence Dymamics
- 04:35
- Sources of Variation?
- 05:51
- Objectives
- 06:13
- Objectives 2
- 06:41
- Model
- 07:12
- Separation of Time Scales
- 07:23
- Initial Pathogen Dynamics (FAST!)
- 07:32
- Initial Pathogen Dynamics (FAST!) 2
- 07:46
- Initial Pathogen Dynamics (FAST!) 3
- 08:01
- Fast Time Scale?
- 08:04
- Approximate p-n (Fast) Subsystem
- 08:26
- Approximate p-n (Fast) Subsystem 2
- 08:31
- Simplified Non-specific Immune Response
- 08:40
- Slow Time Scale?
- 08:41
- Specific Immune Control
- 08:58
- Specific Immune Control 2
- 09:05
- Slow Time Scale Dynamics
- 09:30
- Persistence vs. Clearance
- 10:11
- Individual Variation, Parameter Variation
- 10:53
- So what have we learned?
- 11:02
- Summary #1 (1)
- 11:03
- Summary #1 (2)
- 11:08
- Summary #1 (3)
- 11:12
- Summary #1 (4)
- 12:35
- Parameter Variation
- 12:49
- What drives virulence evolution? (1)
- 13:09
- What drives virulence evolution? (3)
- 13:47
- What drives virulence evolution? (3)
- 14:07
- Emergent Transmission-Virulence Trade-off? (1)
- 15:23
- Emergent Transmission-Virulence Trade-off? (2)
- 15:34
- Emergent Transmission-Virulence Trade-off? (3)
- 15:43
- Fitness Definitions (1)
- 15:44
- Fitness Definitions (2)
- 15:45
- Fitness Definitions (3)
- 16:28
- Transmission-Virulence Trade-off
- 17:29
- Observed Virulence Evolution
- 17:52
- Movement-Virulence Trade-off Effects?
- 18:53
- Trade-off Curves (1)
- 18:55
- Trade-off Curves (2)
- 18:58
- Mean Virulence Dynamics: Epicenter vs. Wavefront
- 20:05
- Model Approximation: Wavefront (1)
- 20:06
- Model Approximation: Wavefront (2)
- 20:09
- Model Approximation: Wavefront (3)
- 21:23
- Selection: Max. Wave Speed (c) vs Fitness (r)
- 21:47
- Simulation Example (1)
- 22:15
- Simulation Example (2)
- 22:19
- Price Equation Reformulation (1)
- 22:20
- Price Equation Reformulation (2)
- 22:58
- Price Equation Reformulation (3)
- 24:04
- Price Equation Results
- 24:57
- Data vs Model
- 25:00
- Summary: Movement-Virulence Trade-off
- 26:07
- Parting thoughts on “scaling-up�
- 26:09
- Parting thoughts on “scaling-up� (2)
- 26:11
- Parting thoughts on “scaling-up� (3)
- 29:23
- The End