
Diffusion MRI Tractography and Connectomics: problems and challenges - Maxime Descoteaux, Universite de Sherbrooke

August 17, 2015
  • dMRI
  • Diffusion MRI
  • Tractometry
  • Crossing Fibers
  • Connectivity
  • Connectivity Matrices
Diffusion magnetic resonance (dMRI) imaging techniques have recently been proposed to overcome the classical limitations of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). DMRI nowadays opens exciting possibilities in advanced tractography to recover complex fiber crossing configurations but also for microstructure imaging of the white matter. In this talk, we will see how one can go from raw diffusion MRI data to full brain structural connectivity and microstructure estimation of fiber calibers. In particular, we will see how diffusion tractography is currently at the heart of connectomics studies and how it can be combined with microstructure imaging to perform microstructure-informed tracking. Tractography, connectomics and diffusion microstructure imaging are at their infancies and now open a wide range of exciting research questions and computational problems to solve