
Multiple-layer Solutions to the Allen-Cahn Equation on Hyperbolic Space

January 13, 2011
  • applied PDE
  • partial differential equations
  • PDEs over hyperbolic space
  • Mexican hat potential
  • Riemannian geometry
  • 35R35
  • 35R37
  • 35-xx
  • 35Qxx
  • 35J91
  • 37G20
In this work we study the existence of multiple-layered solutions to the elliptic Allen-Cahn equation in hyperbolic space. More precisely, we consider the equation −∆_H (u) + W'(u) = 0 (1), where ∆_H is the Laplace-Beltrami operator in hyperbolic space and W is a positive potential with two minima. We prove that for any given collection of non-intersecting hyperplanes in H there is a solution to (1) that has these hyperplanes as interfaces. Our result provides a Riemannian generalization of the work of M. del Pino, M. Kowalczyk, F. Pacard and J. Wei.