
Randomized Algorithms for Scalable Data Analysis

June 21, 2013
  • Radomized Algorithms
  • 68W20
In this talk I will give an overview over a number of projection based randomized algorithms for scalable data analysis. While randomized methods are frequently used, e.g. for Bayesian inference, their potential for designing function classes, and for obtaining approximate solutions of expensive estimation problem holds significant promise. Based on a number of vignettes I will discuss basic principles and recent developments: * The Bloom filter is an efficient structure to estimate set membership that achieves high accuracy guarantees (zero false negatives and only a small number of false positives) at minimal memory overhead. Extending this to floating point numbers yields the Count (Farach et al, 2003) and the CountMin (Cormode and Muthukrishnan, 2005) sketches that can be used for frequency counts. * The above methods are very useful when it comes to designing memory efficient linear classifiers, leading to the class of Hash kernels for documents, and other sparse feature collections (Weinberger et al., 2009). * Application of the same techniques to matrices yields both fast matrix muliplication algorithms (Pagh 2012), and collaborative filtering algorithms (Karatoglou et al., 2010). * Shingles are an efficient tool for extracting random objects from a set (Broder et al., 1997) in such a way as to provide fingerprints for fast document comparison. This idea can be adapted to linear classification in the form of Conditional Random Sampling (Li et al., 2006). * Random projections can be used for drastic dimensionality reduction. In the context of vectors this leads to locality sensitive hashing (Indyk and Motwani, 1998) used e.g. for nearest neighbor retrieval. In the context of matrices this leads to fast low-dimensional linear algebra approximation techniques (Halko et al, 2010). * Binary variants of such projections were studied by Goemans and Williamson, 1998, and Charikar, 2005. They allow for fast reconstruction of angles between vectors. These techniques can be employed in Bayesian inference when computing inner products for exponential families (Ahmed et al., 2012). * For nonlinear function classes related techniques were proposed by Neal, 1994 and by Rahimi and Recht, 2008 in the form of Random Kitchen Sinks. Random draws allow one to obtain approximations of many kernel functions quite efficiently. A recent paper by Le et al, 2013 shows how memory footprint and computation can be improved significantly.