
Evolutionary Dynamics of Cancer

March 3, 2013
  • Cell biology
  • 92C37
Cancer initiation, progression, and treatment can be described as a complex evolutionary process occurring at the level of cells in the body. Mathematical models of this process can yield useful insights into the mechanisms causing cancer and also suggest possible treatment strategies. In this talk, I will introduce some basic mathematical models of cancer evolution and describe some applications to the design of treatment strategies. Jasmine Foo has been an Assistant Professor of mathematics at the University of Minnesota since 2011. She received an Sc.B. in math/physics (2002) and a Ph.D. (2008) from Brown University in applied mathematics. She did postdoc work at the Sloan Kettering Institute and Harvard. Her research has been in mathematical biology, cancer evolution, stochastic processes, and numerical analysis. She has been a recipient of a Department of Energy graduate fellowship, National Cancer Institute Young Investigator Award, and McKnight Land Grant Professorship.