
The zero temperature limit of interacting corpora

July 21, 2008
  • Corpora
  • 91G50
We consider examples of melts of corpora, that is collections of compacts each having finitely many degrees of freedom, such as articulated particles or n-gons. We associate to the melt the moduli spaces of the corpora, compact metric or pseudometric spaces equipped with a Borel probability measure representing the phase space measure. We consider probability distributions on the moduli spaces of such corpora, we associate a free energy to them, and show that under general conditions, the zero temperature limit of free energy minimizers are delta functions concentrated on a single corpus, the ur-corpus. We give a selection principle for the ur-corpus. This is a generalization of the isotropic to nematic transition but we suggest that this language is appropriate for a larger class of n-body interactions. This is work in progress with Andrej Zlatos.