Radar Imaging from Multiply Scattered Waves
October 18, 2005
- Waves
- 76D33
We consider imaging the earth's topography using synthetic aperture
RADAR (SAR), as well as real aperture RADAR (RAR). We use a simple
scalar wave model for the radio waves. Instead of the common approach
of singly-scattered waves, we consider the situation where a reflecting
'wall' is located in the vicinity of the region of interest (ROI). We
will show how it is possible to take advantage of scattering between the
wall and object(s) in the ROI to improve on the convention imaging
methods. An obvious benefit of such a situation is the improved angular
resolution available from this kind of data.
Our approach is based on microlocal analysis, which is often considered
an opaque subject area to the uninitiated. However, the simplicity of
the experimental set up in SAR and RAR makes for a very straightforward
application of microlocal tools.