
Hybrid Quantum Information Processing

April 12, 2016
  • gate teleportation, feedforward, quantum optics, squeezed states
  • 81V80
We are working on hybrid quantum information processing, which combines two methodologies of quantum information processing – qubits and continuous variables (CVs). More precisely, we encode quantum information onto single-photon-based qubits and utilize CV quantum processors to realize universal optical quantum computing. The advantage of this methodology is that we can have both high-fidelity nature of qubits and determinisity of CV quantum processors. In other words, we can enjoy both particle- and wave-nature of quantum mechanics. Towards this goal we performed various things, which include quantum error correction with nine-party CV entanglement [1], teleportation of Schrödinger’s cat state [2], adaptive homodyne measurement with phase-squeezed states [3], deterministic teleportation of time-bin qubits [4], creation of ultra-large-scale CV cluster states [5], and generation and measurement of CV entanglement on a chip [6]. References [1] T. Aoki, G. Takahashi, T. Kajiya, J. Yoshikawa, S. L. Braunstein, P. van Loock, and A. Furusawa, Nature Physics 5, 541 (2009). [2] N. Lee, H. Benichi, Y. Takeno, S. Takeda, J. Webb, E. Huntington, and A. Furusawa, Science 332, 330 (2011). [3] H. Yonezawa, D. Nakane, T. A. Wheatley, K. Iwasawa, S. Takeda, H. Arao, K. Ohki, K. Tsumura, D. W. Berry, T. C. Ralph, H. M. Wiseman, E. H. Huntington, and A. Furusawa, Science 337, 1514 (2012). [4] S. Takeda, T. Mizuta, M. Fuwa, P. van Loock, and A. Furusawa, Nature 500, 315 (2013). [5] S. Yokoyama, R. Ukai, S. C. Armstrong, C. Sornphiphatphong, T. Kaji, S. Suzuki, J. Yoshikawa, H. Yonezawa, N. C. Menicucci, and A. Furusawa, Nature Photonics 7, 982 (2013). [6] G. Masada, K. Miyata, A. Politi, T. Hashimoto, J. L. O’Brien, and A. Furusawa, Nature Photonics 9, 316 (2015).