
Stochastic Dynamical Modeling: Structured Matrix Completion of Partially Available Statistics

January 26, 2016
  • Alternating minimization algorithm, convex optimization, disturbance dynamics, low-rank approximation, nuclear norm regularization, structured matrix completion problems.
  • 47N10
State statistics of linear systems satisfy certain structural constraints that arise from the underlying dynamics and the directionality of input disturbances. In this talk, we study the problem of completing partially known state statistics. Our aim is to develop tools that can be used in the context of control-oriented modeling of large-scale dynamical systems. For the type of applications we have in mind, the dynamical interaction between state variables is known while the directionality and dynamics of input excitation is often uncertain. Thus, the goal of the mathematical problem that we formulate is to identify the dynamics and directionality of input excitation in order to explain and complete observed sample statistics. More specifically, we seek to explain correlation data with the least number of possible input disturbance channels. We formulate this inverse problem as rank minimization, and for its solution, we employ a convex relaxation based on the nuclear norm. The resulting optimization problem is cast as a semidefinite program and can be solved efficiently using general-purpose solvers for small- and medium-size problems. For large-scale systems, we develop a customized alternating minimization algorithm (AMA). We interpret AMA as a proximal gradient for the dual problem and prove sub-linear convergence for the algorithm with fixed step-size. We conclude with an example that illustrates the utility of our modeling and optimization framework. Joint work with Armin Zare, Yongxin Chen, and Tryphon Georgiou.