Symplectic reflection algebras I
January 31, 2013
- noncommutative algebraic geometry
- D-modules
- deformation quantization
- derived categories
- resolution of singularities
- symplectic reflection algebras
- symplectic reflection group
- conjugation invariant function
- pseudo-reflections
- spherical subalgebra
- spherical rational Cherednik algebras
- 13D09
- 13D10
- 13Dxx
- 13-xx
- 14Fxx
- 14F05
- 14F10
- 14A22
Symplectic reflection algebras are related to a large number of areas of mathematics, such as combinatorics, integrable systems, D-modules, algebraic geometry, quiver varieties, symplectic resolutions of singularities and representation theory. In these lectures we will try to present some basic notions and results on this vast topic; we will see how the study of symplectic reflection algebras allows us to determine the existence of symplectic resolutions. We will then focus on a particular class of symplectic reflection algebras, the rational Cherednik algebras; we will explore their representation theory and its connections with the representation theory of Hecke algebras.