
The Weber equation as a normal form with applications to top of the barrier scattering

August 19, 2024
We revisit the basic problem of tunneling near a nondegenerate global maximum of a potential on the line. We reduce the semiclassical Schr\"odinger equation to a Weber normal form by means of the Liouville-Green transform. We show that the diffeomorphism which effects this stretching of the independent variable lies in the same regularity class as the potential (analytic or infinitely differentiable) with respect to both variables, i.e., space and energy. We then apply the Weber normal form to the scattering problem for energies near the potential maximum. In particular we obtain a representation of the scattering matrix which is accurate up to multiplicative factors of the form 1 + o(1). Recent generalizations will be discussed. Joint work with Hyejin Park and Wilhelm Schlag