
Archimedean heights of generalized Heegner cycles

May 15, 2024
In the 1980s, Gross and Zagier famously proved a formula equating, on the one hand, the central value of the first derivative of the Rankin-Selberg L-function of a weight 2 eigenform with the theta series of a class group character of an imaginary quadratic field, and on the other hand, the height of a Heegner point on the corresponding modular curve. Two important generalizations present themselves: to allow eigenforms of higher weight, and to further allow Hecke characters of infinite order. The former generalization is due to S. Zhang. The latter one is the subject of this talk and requires the calculation of the archimedean heights of generalized Heegner cycles. These cycles were first introduced by Bertolini, Darmon, and Prasanna, and are relevant to the study of Chow groups of Jacobians with CM. This is joint work with Ari Shnidman.