Tomohiro Sasamoto - Skew RSK dynamics - IPAM at UCLA
May 23, 2024
Recorded 23 May 2024. Tomohiro Sasamoto of the Tokyo Institute of Technology presents "Skew RSK dynamics" at IPAM's Vertex Models: Algebraic and Probabilistic Aspects of Universality Workshop.
Abstract: In [1] we introduced the skew RSK dynamics, which is a time evolution for a pair of
skew Young tableaux (P,Q). This gives a connection between the q-Whittaker
measure and the periodic Schur measure, which immediately implies a Fredholm determinant formula for various KPZ models[2]. The dynamics exhibits interesting
solitonic behaviors similar to box ball systems (BBS) and is related to the theory of crystal.
In this talk we explain basics of the skew RSK dynamics. We also plan to introduce
a column version of the skew RSK dynamics and discuss its properties.
The talk is based on a collaboration with T. Imamura, M. Mucciconi and T. Scrimshaw.
[1] T. Imamura, M. Mucciconi, T. Sasamoto,
Skew RSK dynamics: Greene invariants, affine crystals and applications to q
-Whittaker polynomials, Forum of Mathematics, Pi (2023), e27 1–101 (arXiv: 2106.11922).
[2] T. Imamura, M. Mucciconi, T. Sasamoto,
Solvable models in the KPZ class: approach through periodic and free boundary Schur measures,
arXiv: 2204.08420
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