
Benjamin Schweinhart - The Plaquette Random Cluster Model and Potts Lattice Gauge Theory

May 7, 2024
Recorded 07 May 2024. Benjamin Schweinhart of George Mason University presents "The Plaquette Random Cluster Model and Potts Lattice Gauge Theory" at IPAM's Statistical Mechanics Beyond 2D Workshop. Abstract: We prove that Wilson loop expectations in (d-2)-dimensional Potts lattice gauge theory on Zd undergo a sharp phase transition from an area law to a perimeter law. The foundation of our proof strategy is the generalization of the random cluster model and its coupling with the Potts model to higher dimensions. This results in a cell complex representation of Potts lattice gauge theory for which a Wilson loop expectation equals the probability that the loop is “bounded by a surface of plaquettes” in a sense made precise by homology theory. This is joint work with Paul Duncan. Learn more online at: