
Introductory Workshop: Commutative Algebra: "Perfectoid Algebras and Singularities in Mixed Characteristic-Pt 3"

January 26, 2024
  • Commutative rings
  • computational commutative algebra
  • D-modules
  • free resolutions
  • Gröbner deformations
  • Homological conjectures
  • Lech's conjecture
  • maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules
  • McKay correspondence
  • mixed characteristic
  • multiplicities
  • perfectoid spaces
  • prismatic cohomology
  • symbolic powers
  • syzygies
  • Tight closure theory
  • 13-XX
  • 14-XX
In this lecture series, we give an introduction to recent applications of p-adic methods to commutative algebra. We start by proving a p-adic version of Kunz's theorem characterizing regular local rings via perfectoid algebras. We then focus on the direct summand theorem and the existence of big Cohen-Macaulay algebras, and we will sketch a proof of them via Andre's flatness lemma. Finally, we use perfectoid big Cohen-Macaulay algebras to define and study singularities in mixed characteristic, and we will discuss some recent work studying various notions of mixed characteristic test ideals via the p-adic Riemann-Hilbert functor.