
Alberto Elduque - The Extended Freudenthal Magic Square via tensor categories - IPAM at UCLA

January 11, 2024
Recorded 11 January 2024. Alberto Elduque of the Universidad de Zaragoza presents "The Extended Freudenthal Magic Square via tensor categories" at IPAM's Symmetric Tensor Categories and Representation Theory Workshop. Abstract: The nontrivial unital composition superalgebras, of dimension 3 and 6, which exist only in characteristic 3, are obtained from the split Cayley algebra and its order 3 automorphisms, by means of the process of semisimplification of the symmetric tensor category of representations of the cyclic group of order 3. This allows us to get, in a unified way, the Lie superalgebras in the Extended Freudenthal Magic Square in characteristic 3, by "semisimplifying" the simple Lie algebra of type E8. Learn more online at: