
Data Science for Social Justice – A Tool for Broadening Participation on Dual Fronts

July 17, 2023
We use “Data Science for Social Justice” as a tool to broaden the participation of students from historically marginalized communities (HMC) in STEM by infusing social justice into STEM learning as well as to broaden the participation of students from non-STEM disciplines (where underrepresentation is not as big a problem) in data science by infusing data science into discussions on social justice issues relevant to their respective disciplines. In this talk I will discuss our methodology and experiences with past and on-going projects. This is joint work with faculty and researchers from NC Central University (Alade Tokuta, and Rakesh Malhotra), Cynosure Consulting (Rebecca Zulli Lowe, and Adrienne Smith), Fayetteville State University (Sambit Bhattacharya), Winston-Salem State University (Debzani Deb), and Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Elisabeth Stoddard, and Marja Bakermans).
Supplementary Materials