
Poisson-Voronoi tessellations in higher rank and the fixed price conjecture

May 19, 2023
The cost of a probability measure preserving action of a countable group G on X is an invariant that generalizes the rank (minimal number of generators) of G and measures the “minimal average number of maps” needed to connect every pair of points of X in the same G orbit. The fixed price conjecture predicts that any two essentially free p.m.p. actions of the group G have the same cost. In my talk I will report on a joint work with Sam Mellick and Amanda Wilkens in which we prove fixed price one for higher ranks lattices in semisimple real or p-adic groups. As a corollary we obtain that the number of generators of index n subgroup of such a group grows like o(n) which implies new state of the art results on the growth of mod-p homology groups. The proof is based on certain miraculous properties of the Poisson-Voronoi tessellation of higher rank symmetric spaces (not present in rank 1) that might be of independent interest.