
Pascal Van Hentenryck - Fusing Machine Learning and Optimization - IPAM at UCLA

March 1, 2023
Recorded 01 March 2023. Pascal Van Hentenryck of the Georgia Institute of Technology presents "Fusing Machine Learning and Optimization" at IPAM's Artificial Intelligence and Discrete Optimization Workshop. Abstract: The fusion of machine learning and optimization has the potential to achieve breakthroughs in decision making that the two technologies cannot accomplish independently. This talk reviews a number of research avenues in this direction, including the concept of optimization proxies and end-to-end learning. Principled combinations of machine learning and optimization are illustrated on case studies in energy systems, mobility, and supply chains. Preliminary results show how this fusion makes it possible to perform real-time risk assessment in energy systems, find near-optimal solutions quickly in supply chains, and implement model-predictive control for large-scale mobility systems. Learn more online at: