Integrated Computational and Experimental Research in Mixed Integer Programming with SageMath
February 28, 2023
I will introduce SageMath, a general-purpose, Python-based,
open-source mathematics system in development since 2005, from the
viewpoint of its use in Mixed Integer Programming research.
Originally conceived as a computer algebra system focused on algebraic
number theory, SageMath has grown to a major integrating force in the
mathematical software world that provides convenient and unified
access to the best libraries and systems for polyhedral geometry,
mixed integer linear programming, lattices, graph theory, commutative
algebra, symbolic computation, computational group theory, and more. I
will demonstrate some of these capabilities.
The SageMath community welcomes contributions in the form of
expository mathematical writing, constructions, algorithm development
and implementation, cataloging, mathematical software integration, and
more. I will highlight some possible entry points for making such