
Polynomial optimization on finite sets

February 1, 2023
If $X\subseteq \mathbb{R}^n$ is a finite set then every function on $X$ can be written as the restriction of a polynomial in n-variables. As a result, polynomial optimization on finite sets is literally the same as general (nonlinear) optimization on such sets. Thinking of functions as polynomials, however, provides us with plenty of additional structures which can be leveraged for constructing better (or at least different) optimization algorithms. In these lectures, we will overview some of the key problems and results coming from this algebraic point of view. Specifically, we will discuss: How to prove that a polynomial function is nonnegative on a finite set X? What kind of algebraic certificates (proofs) are available and what can we say about their size and complexity? If the set $X$ has symmetries, can we leverage them in some systematic way that is useful for optimization? Characterizing the affine linear functions that are nonnegative on $X$ gives a description of the polytope $P={\rm Conv}(X)$. Stratifying such functions by the degree of their nonnegativity certificates leads to (semidefinite) hierarchies of approximation for the polytope $P$ and it is natural to ask about their speed of convergence and its relationship with the combinatorics of $P$ Finally, if time permits we will discuss some recent ideas combining the above methods with reinforcement learning as a way to improve scalability for combinatorial optimization problems. The results in (1),(2), (3) above are due to Blekherman, Gouveia, Laurent, Nie, Parrilo, Saunderson, Thomas, and others. These lectures intend to be a self-contained introduction to this vibrant and exciting research area.
Supplementary Materials