
Mathew Cherukara - HPC+AI-Enabled Real-Time Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging - IPAM at UCLA

October 14, 2022
Recorded 14 October 2022. Mathew Cherukara of Argonne National Laboratory presents "HPC+AI-Enabled Real-Time Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging" at IPAM's Diffractive Imaging with Phase Retrieval Workshop. Abstract: he capabilities provided by next generation light sources such as the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade (APSU) along with the development of new characterization techniques and detector advances are expected to revolutionize materials characterization (metrology) by providing the ability to perform scale-bridging, multi-modal materials characterization under in-situ and operando conditions. For example, providing the ability to image in 3D large fields of view (~mm3) at high resolution, while simultaneously acquiring information about structure, strain, elemental composition, oxidation state, photovoltaic response etc. However, these novel capabilities dramatically increase the complexity and volume of data generated by instruments at the new light sources. Conventional data processing and analysis methodologies become infeasible in the face of such large and varied data streams. The use of AI/ML methods is becoming indispensable for real-time analysis, data abstraction and decision making at advanced synchrotron light sources such as the APS. I will describe the use high-performance computing (HPC) along with AI on edge devices to enable real-time analysis of streaming data from x-ray imaging instruments at the APS. Learn more online at: