Modules for elementary abelian p-groups and hypersurface singularities
February 14, 2013
- p-groups
- hypersurfaces
- Orlov correspondence
- matrix factorization categories
- stable module category
- singular category
- noncommutative algebra
- representation theory
- homological algebra
- commutative algebra
- resolutions of modules
- 18G35
- 18G10
- 18Gxx
- 18-xx
- 16Gxx
Let E be an elementary abelian p-group, namely a finite product (Z/p)^r of copies of Z/p, and let k be a field of characteristic p. Then the group algebra kE can be regarded as a complete intersection. This allows us to use the Orlov correspondence to relate its stable module category with the singularity category of a certain hypersurface. I shall describe explicitly the functors involved, between kE-modules and matrix factorisations over this hypersurface. The trivial kE-module corresponds to a 2^{r-1} x 2^{r-1} matrix factorisation coming from a bidirectional Koszul complex. I shall describe the relationship between this correspondence and a recent construction with Julia Pevtsova in the stable module category. This talk is inspired by a talk of Mark Walker last July in Seattle.