
Graded Maximal Cohen-Macaulay Modules over Elliptic Curves

February 13, 2013
  • graded commutative algebra
  • Cohen-Macaulay modules
  • Auslander-Reiten theory
  • coherent sheaves on elliptic curves
  • bounded derived category
  • noncommutative algebra
  • representation theory
  • homological algebra
  • commutative algebra
  • resolutions of modules
  • 18G35
  • 18G10
  • 18Gxx
  • 16Gxx
  • 18-xx
  • 13C14
  • 16E65
A (very!) special case of a theorem of Orlov says that the stable category of graded maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over the cone of on elliptic normal curve is equivalent to the bounded derived category D of coherent sheaves on the underlying elliptic curve. We will discuss the nature of these equivalences and how we might use the known structure of D and its auto-equivalences to extract information on graded maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over the cones.