
On the sticky particle solutions to the pressureless Euler system in general dimension

April 6, 2022
In this talk we consider the pressureless Euler system in dimension greater than or equal to two. Several works have been devoted to the search of solutions which satisfy the following adhesion or sticky particle principle: if two particles of the fluid do not interact, then they move freely keeping constant velocity, otherwise they join with velocity given by the balance of momentum. For initial data given by a finite number of particles pointing each in a given direction, in general dimension, it is easy to show that a global sticky particle solution always exists and is unique. In dimension one, sticky particle solutions have been proved to exist and be unique.  In dimension greater than one, it was shown that as soon as the initial data is not concentrated on a finite number of particles, it might lead to non-existence or non-uniqueness of sticky particle solutions.   In collaboration with S. Bianchini,  we show that  even though the sticky particle solutions are not well-posed for every measure-type initial data, there exists a comeager set of initial data in the weak topology giving rise to a unique sticky particle solution. Moreover, for any of these initial data the sticky particle  solution is unique also in the larger class of dissipative solutions (where trajectories are allowed to cross) and is given by a trivial free flow concentrated on trajectories which do not intersect. In particular for such initial data there is only one dissipative solution and its dissipation is equal to zero. Thus, for a comeager set of initial data the problem of finding sticky particle solutions is well-posed, but the dynamics that one  sees is trivial. Our notion of dissipative solution is lagrangian and therefore general enough to include weak and measure-valued solutions.