
Anirban Chowdhury - Classical and quantum algorithms for estimating traces and partition functions

January 26, 2022
Recorded 26 January 2022. Anirban Chowdhury of the University of Waterloo presents "Classical and quantum algorithms for estimating traces and partition functions" at IPAM's Quantum Numerical Linear Algebra Workshop Abstract: Estimating the trace of matrix functions is a problem commonly encountered in physics. In this talk I will discuss exponential-time classical and quantum algorithms for the problem of trace-estimation, with the partition function as a specific example. I will present a classical algorithm for trace-estimation which improves in running-time upon the state-of-the-art by using a compression technique based on unitary 2-designs. I will then show that this technique also leads to a qubit-efficient quantum algorithm for estimating traces of block-encoded matrix functions. Lastly, I will talk about using block-encodings to estimate traces in the one-clean-qubit model. This talk will be based on results from arXiv:2110.15466 and Phys. Rev. A 103, 032422. Learn more online at: