
A new approach to the binary inspiral problem

October 27, 2021
Recorded 27 October 2021. Zvi Bern of University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Physics presents "A new approach to the binary inspiral problem" at IPAM's Workshop II: Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Gravitation. Abstract: We explain new ideas that come from modern scattering theory of elementary particles that can help out with calculations directly relevant for gravitational-wave emission from compact astrophysical objects. The past decade has seen enormous advances in our ability to compute quantum scattering amplitudes making seemingly impossible calculations tractable. These advances include ideas such as the duality between color and kinematics, generalized unitarity, improved integration methods and double-copy relations between gauge and gravity theories. After introducing these concepts, we explain how these ideas can be transfered to the gravitational wave problem and how they are being used to push forward the state of the art in the post-Minkowskian framework for the binary black hole inspiral problem. As examples, we present new results at the 3rd and 4th post-Minkowskian orders. Learn more online at: