
Coxeter-like elements, Schubert geometry, and multiplicity-freeness in algebraic combinatorics

March 26, 2021
For a finite Coxeter system, we define “spherical elements” (extending Coxeter elements). Conjecturally, for Weyl groups, spherical elements index Levi-spherical Schubert varieties in G/B. In type A, this connects to key polynomials (Demazure characters), multiplicity-freeness, and “split-symmetry” in algebraic combinatorics. This is joint work (some ongoing) with subsets of David Brewster (UIUC), Yibo Gao (MIT), and Reuven Hodges (UIUC). See arXiv:2007.09238, arXiv:2007.09229, and arXiv:2012.09749.
Supplementary Materials