
The Persistent Topology of Dynamic Data

May 4, 2021
This talk introduces a method for characterizing the dynamics of time-evolving data within the framework of topological data analysis (TDA), specifically through the lens of persistent homology. Popular instances of time-evolving data include flocking or swarming behaviors in animals, and social networks in the human sphere. A natural mathematical model for such collective behaviors is that of a dynamic metric space. In this talk I will describe how to extend the well-known Vietoris-Rips filtration for metric spaces to the setting of dynamic metric spaces. Also, we extend a celebrated stability theorem on persistent homology for metric spaces to multiparameter persistent homology for dynamic metric spaces. In order to address this stability property, we extend the notion of Gromov-Hausdorff distance between metric spaces to dynamic metric spaces. This talk will not require any prior knowledge of TDA. This talk is based on joint work with Facundo Memoli and Nate Clause.