
Implicit Regularization in Deep Learning: Lessons Learned from Matrix and Tensor Factorization

March 31, 2021
Nadav Cohen - Tel Aviv University The mysterious ability of deep neural networks to generalize is believed to stem from an implicit regularization, a tendency of gradient-based optimization to fit training data with predictors of low “complexity.” A major challenge in formalizing this intuition is that we lack measures of complexity that are both quantitative and capture the essence of data which admits generalization (images, audio, text, etc.). With an eye towards this challenge, I will present recent analyses of implicit regularization in matrix factorization, equivalent to linear neural networks, and tensor factorization, equivalent to a certain type of non-linear neural networks. Through dynamical characterizations, I will establish implicit regularization towards low rank, different from any type of norm minimization, in contrast to prior beliefs. Then, motivated by tensor rank capturing implicit regularization of non-linear neural networks, I will suggest it as a measure of complexity, and show that it stays extremely low when fitting standard datasets. This gives rise to the possibility of tensor rank explaining both implicit regularization of neural networks, and the properties of real-world data translating it to generalization. Works covered in this talk were in collaboration with Sanjeev Arora, Wei Hu, Yuping Luo, Asaf Maman and Noam Razin.
Supplementary Materials