
Strong convergence of the vorticity for the 2D Euler Equations in the inviscid limit

January 12, 2021
Gianluca Crippa - University of Basel I will discuss some recent results obtained with G. Ciampa (University of Padova) and Stefano Spirito (University of L'Aquila) on the strong Lp convergence (uniformly in time) in the inviscid limit of a family ων of solutions of the 2D Navier-Stokes equations towards a renormalized/Lagrangian solution ω of the Euler equations. In the class of solutions with bounded vorticity, it is possible to obtain a rate for the convergence of ων to ω in Lp. The proofs are given by using both a (stochastic) Lagrangian approach and an Eulerian approach.