
Positively and non-negatively curved manifolds and (torus) symmetries

January 19, 2016
  • differential geometry
  • Riemannian geometry
  • modern geometry
  • curvature
  • curvature estimates
  • Ricci curvature
  • Ricci curvature lower bounds
  • constant curvature complex manifolds
  • non-negative sectional curvature
  • positive sectional curvature
  • torus actions
  • 53-XX
  • 53CXX
  • 53C21
  • 53C44
  • 32Q05
  • 32Q10
  • 37C85
The classification of Riemannian manifolds with positive or non-negative sectional curvature is a long-standing problem in Riemannian Geometry. This talk will give a survey of tools and techniques, results and open problems concerning this class of manifolds with an emphasis on how (torus) symmetries play an important role in obtaining classification results.
Supplementary Materials