
Donaldson-Thomas transformations for moduli spaces of G-local systems on surfaces

March 30, 2016
  • moduli spaces
  • local systems
  • arithmetic mirror symmetry
  • frame bundle
  • projective bundles
  • higher Teichmuller theory
  • cluster varieties
  • 13F60
  • 14D20
  • 14D15
  • 14D10
  • 14D07
  • 14Dxx
  • 14-xx
  • 11G42
  • 16G20
  • 16Gxx
Kontsevich and Soibelman defined Donaldson-Thomas invariants of a 3d Calabi-Yau category equipped with a stability condition. Any cluster variety gives rise to a family of such categories. Their DT invariants are encapsulated in a single formal automorphism of the cluster variety, called the DT-transformation. Let S be an oriented surface with punctures, and a finite number of special points on the boundary considered modulo isotopy. It give rise to a moduli space X(m, S), closely related to the moduli space of PGL(m)-local systems on S, which carries a canonical cluster Poisson variety structure. For each puncture of S, there is a birational Weyl group action on the space X(m, S). We calculate the DT-transformation of the moduli space X(m,S), with few exceptions. We discuss the relationship between DT-transformations and duality conjectures in general. In particular, our main result, combined with the work of Gross, Hacking, Keel and Kontsevich, gives rise to a canonical basis in the space of regular functions on the cluster variety X(m,S), and in the upper cluster algebra with principal coefficients related to the pair (SL(m), S).
Supplementary Materials